
Method A

Try to remember all words with 3 meanings each.

You will see two empty textboxes below every meaning. Please use it to re-type the bold part of the example sentence twice.


Yesterday night there was an earthquake. Roof and windows was GATAGATA, even books feel from the shelf, I was a bit scared.


On a cold morning in February, snow fell when I was waiting for the bus. I did not wear coat, and did not bring gloves or muffler, it was so cold and I was GATAGATA.

Old engine noise

I bought the car that I am using now when I got married, so it has been 15 years and the car is GATAGATA. Soon I am thinking to buy a new one.

Worn out

The new car I bought thirteen years ago is now BOROBORO, so I will buy another new car this year.

Scattered all over

My grandson, who just turned one year old, was visiting us. When he was eating, he sat down at the table and started to eat by himself, but he spilled half of his food BOROBORO all over the table.


In a soccer game against High School B, which won the championship last year, High School C ended up losing BOROBORO.


My desk drawer is GOCHAGOCHA with stationery, bank books, stamps, receipts, memo pads…so many things in there.

Complicated pattern

We decided to buy new curtains after we moved out. I don’t like GOCHAGOCHA printed curtains, so I decided to hang plain curtains without any pattern.

Mumbling nonsense

When I was in high school, my father never said anything to me when I was in trouble. But my mother was always complaining GOCHAGOCHA.


That’s all for this method! Go back and try other methods!